International Conferences on the
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues

14th ICCBMT Conference | The Netherlands October 22-27, 2023
Dear Colleagues,
We take this opportunity to invite you to be a part of the 14th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues to be held in The Netherlands on October 22-27 of 2023. This prestigious event will be co-chaired by Ben Ganss (Canada), Mina Mina (USA) and Nico Sommerdijk (The Netherlands).
We hope you will enjoy the exchange of scientific results and ideas, discussions with colleagues and friends, beautiful surroundings, and leisure activities at our conference location (Hotel De Bilderberg), nestled in the green surroundings of Oosterbeek. This historic estate is located in the middle of the beautiful Veluwe forest, near the city of Arnhem. VENUE INFORMATION
From 177 registered participants at our 13th ICCBMT, we received more than 140 abstracts from 11 countries. An oral program of more than 50 speakers was established through peer-review of the abstracts by our Scientific Advisory Board members. The poster sessions contained almost 90 presentations, with close to a third of these also being presented as short "flash" talks (again, selected by SAB peer-review).

We are happy to announce we will be continuing the ICCBMT tradition of awarding a maximum number of Young Investigator Travel Awards.
Student and post-doctoral/clinical fellow presenters will be considered for this to help defray the cost of the meeting.
We look forward to your participation in the 14th International Conference
on the
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues
2023 Eve and Arthur Veis Keynote Speaker

Professor of Biological and Biomedical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University of Cambridge, UK
Title: Using solid-state NMR spectroscopy
to understand calcified tissues in health and disease
Dr. Melinda Duer’s current research interests include nuclear magnetic resonance studies of biological materials, particularly human bone and vascular tissues. Pivotal discoveries were made by Duer on the involvement of poly(ADP-ribose) in bone mineralization (Science, 2014) and was among the first to connect the mechanisms of bone biomineralization with those in pathological calcifications (Cell Reports, 2019).
Duer’s research bridges fundamental and clinical research towards finding treatments for vascular calcification, a healthcare risk resulting from atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and aging. She also actively works towards valorizing scientific results as the co-founder and director of the start-up company Cambridge Oncology Ltd.
Conference Co-chairs
Ben Ganss, PhD
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mina Mina, DMD, PhD
University of Connecticut
Health Center
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Nico Sommerdijk, PhD
Radboud University
Medical Center
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

The ICCBMT conferences adhere to the principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for its participants. Women, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from racial and ethnic groups (amongst other minority groups), are underrepresented in the sciences, and are encouraged to attend. Appropriate representation will be considered during the selection of abstracts for oral and poster presentations, and during the allocation of Travel Awards and Diversity Travel Awards.