International Conferences on the
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues
Monday Oct 23 -
Thursday Oct 26
Oral Sessions >
Tribute to Art Veis
Basic Biomineralization Mechanisms
Methods & Techniques in Mineralized Tissue
Human Pathologies
Animal Models
Applied and Translational Science
Poster Flash Presentations
Poster Sessions
Eve and Arthur Veis Plenary Speaker - Melinda J. Duer
Dinner at Koetshuis Castle Doorwert
Evening Entertainment
Friday Oct 27
Departure day - breakfast will be provided before you start your return travels
Oral sessions will start early Monday morning with a special tribute session to the late Dr. Arthur Veis, one of the founders of ICCBMT.
A select number of posters have been selected for a 3-minute (2 slides) Flash Oral Presentation. These sessions will occur Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings to kick off the regular poster session. This status is indicated by an "F" added to the poster number. Flash presentations will occur in the lecture hall (Zappeion/Megaron Rooms) at 8:00pm.
Following flash presentations, we ask that you visit the Bibliotheque & The Oval Office Rooms to view all posters. Authors will be available for questions on the indicated day.
We are all looking forward to hearing about your research!